James’ Best Loved ipad Apps and Activities

James with his ipad

James had his first iPad for his 16th birthday. I had never really thought about James having and being able to use an iPad. I didn’t even have one myself. It was my sister, Joan, who was working with students with additional needs who were a similar age to James who first suggested it. She and James’ grandparents then collectively bought one for his birthday.

I am sure if we were more persistent, there would be a wider variety of activities and apps James could access on his iPad. I say that because James has used some of his favourite apps for a number of years. As he is prone to doing with a lot of things, he will become fixated on one particular book or puzzle but in this instance it’s a drag and drop word app.

James’ favourite and most used app is called First Words Deluxe. James can turn on his iPad (he has no password) and then he will find the app himself on the home screen. Once he has opened the app it offers different categories of words. James will select the category. If for example he has selected ‘Animals’ a picture and three letters to spell the word appear. The letters are mixed up on the screen and can be dragged and dropped in the correct place onto the actual word which appears paler elsewhere on the screen. The app also says the name of the letter aloud when you touch it but if you ‘drop’ the letter in the wrong place you have to repeat the action. Once all the letters are in the correct place the letters are highlighted and repeated individually to spell the word and then it says the whole word and plays a little jingle. Each category on the app starts with a three-letter word. There are lots of words in each category too and the number of letters increase building up to eight letters.

James will play this app on his own frequently. It’s one of the very few things he will use to self-occupy. For variety he also has the Christmas version of the app with seasonal words. This also starts with three letters and builds gradually to eight letters.  

Another app James likes to play is Find the Same. Again, with this app there are different categories of pictures to choose from, six in total. In each category you are shown nine pictures, they may be shapes, food items, fruit etc. By repeatedly touching your item selection the configuration is changed. On the other side of the screen is a ‘pile’ of matching cards so you can drag and drop to the corresponding item. Again, this app gives a little jingle when correctly placed and at the end of the game. You can also change the background and card colours for variation.

James has a few other matching or pairing apps by Step by Step and I have recently downloaded a six-piece puzzle one but, knowing James as I do, it will probably take a long while before he shows any interest in that.

ipad matching app
ipad app

James also loves to listen to music on his iPad. He has his favourites on You Player, it’s an eclectic mix. If he hears a piece of music he likes on the TV or radio he will point to his iPad wanting me to find it for him so he can dance or drum along.

The other thing James really likes to use his ipad for is looking at photographs we have taken of family, special occasions and day to day stuff just as a record for him. I send lots of pictures I take on my phone across to his iPad because I know he enjoys looking at them. His recall is amazing because sometimes I can ask him to find a specific picture and he can scroll through and find it.

James only uses his iPad at home. He is not dependent on it and doesn’t take it out with him into the community. I would much rather he engages in other things when he is out as he is interested in his surroundings and interacting with other people. He will point out things he sees around him providing lots of opportunities for signing and building on communication.

James with his ipad

I will admit to taking his iPad on holiday because it really is the only thing he will do on his own and at times when he may otherwise get bored or when we are eating dinner etc. it’s good he can sit with us but still have something to do. Using his iPad definitely has had some positives for James.  

If you would like some ideas for other apps to use check out these posts – 5 Great Free Apps for Young People with Additional Needs, 5 Fun, Free, Easy-To-Use Online Art Programs, Topmarks for these great, free maths programs, or Try these 3 Great Free Sites for Online Colouring.


  1. Shelley

    Morning Helen, Luke has an iPad too. He enjoys doing puzzles on it, he’s always loved puzzles and we download Living Books which are something James might like. They are interactive stories. I have notes the apps James likes to try for Luke

    Thank you

    Shelley x

    • Hi Shelley, nice to hear from you. Hope Luke likes the apps, I will check out Living Books for James too.

      Take care
      Helen x

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